Dan M. Davis
Semi-Retied Consultant at USC
Formerly Director, JESPP Project at
Information Sciences Institute
Currently Consulting at
Institute for CreativeTechnologies
both research institutions at the
University of Southern Californi
Cell 310 909-3487
- A more Formal list of all Papers in Cite Format at end of Bio
For Access to Copies of DMD and Team Papers and Presentation Slides
Recent Published Papers
Joint Experimentation on Scalable Parallel Processors
21st Century Simulation: Exploiting High Performance Computing and Data Analysis
2005 ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation
Joint Experimentation on Scalable Parallel Processors (JESPP)
Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation
Advanced Message Routing for Scalable Distributed Simulations
WinterSim 2005
Enabling 1,000,000-Entity Simulations on Distributed Linux Clusters
2006 ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation
Supercomputing’s Role in Data Problems and Its Contribution to Solutions
SIW 2006
Petascale Computing for Military Operations
IITSEC 2006 (Education)
Educational Extensions of Large-Scale Simulations Enabled by High Performance Computing
IITSEC 2006 (Aggreg-DeAgr)
Application of Proven Parallel Programming Algorithmic Design to the
Aggregation/De-aggregation Problem
HPCMP User Group Conference 2007
A GPU-Enhanced Cluster for Accelerated FMS
IITSEC 2007-1 (Education)
Implementing New Educational Technology for 21st Century DoD Leadership Development
IITSEC 2007-2 (GPU in Sims)
Implementing a GPU-Enhanced Cluster for Large-Scale Simulations
WinterSim 2007
High-Performance Computing Enables Simulations to Transform Education
ITEA M&S Conf. 2007
FPGA and GPUs as Accelerators for Linux ClustersHigh-Performance Computing Enables Simulations to Transform Education
I/ITSEC 2008
A High Performance Route-Planning Technique for Dense Urban Simulations
Effectively Using a Large GPGPU-Enhanced Linux Cluster
Operational Use of a Large GPGPU-Enhanced Linux ClusterHigh-Performance Computing Enables Simulations to Transform Education
I/ITSEC 2009
FLOPS per Watt: Heterogeneous-Computing’s Approach to DoD Imperatives
Australian Computers in Education Conf. 2010
Applying HPCC Technology to Systemic Diversity Dilemmas
I/ITSEC 2010
Building a Technology Center for Iraqi Air Force Communications Training
Winter Sim 2010
Implementing Emerging High Performance Computing and Data Management Technologies in Agent Based Simulations
The Future Uses for the GPGPU-Enhanced Cluster at JFCOM
Potential Uses of GPGPU-Enhanced Cluster Computing in MCAE Simulations for Non-linear Mechanical Dynamics
ITEA Tech Review Conf. 2010
The Test and Evaluation Uses of Heterogeneous Computing: GPGPUs and Other Approaches
ITEA Tech Review Conf. 2010
System Analyses and Algorithmic Considerations in CUDA Implementations for Complex Simulations
ITEA Tech Review Conf. 2010
GPGPU Programming Courses: Getting the Word Out to the Test and Evaluation Community
ITEA Tech Review Conf. 2010
Data Fusion of Geographically Dispersed Information: Experience with the Scalable Data Grid
Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2010
HITL and Metacognition: Self Analysis and Leadership Enhancement During Simulations
Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2010
Nondisruptive Data Logging:Tools for JFCOM Large-scale Simulations
Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2010
Developing a Research Administration Course for Academics: A Need Too Long Ignored
Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2010
Equation-Based Models in Discrete-Element and Agent-Based Simulations
VECPAR Conf. 2010
GPU Accelerationof a Multifrontal Solver
I/ITSEC Conf. 2013
Practical Adiabatic Quantum Computing:Implications for the Simulation Community
- ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation 36 (4) 2015
- System of Systems Complexity Addressed by Practical Adiabatic Quantum Computing
ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation 37 (1) 2016
- System Engineering a Scalable Cyber Warfare Test Environment
ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation 37 (3) 2016
- Facilitating V-Model Analyses: Data Visualization for Test and Evaluation
Simulation Innovation Workshop Fall 2016
- Advanced Technologies to Enable Simulation of Life-Cycle Sustainment of Weapon Systems
Implementing Innovative Constructivism: An Architected Approach to Enhancing STEM Education.
MentorPal: Interactive Virtual Mentors Based on Real -Life STEM Professionals . IITSEC
Patent Law and Defense Technology: Original Intent and Current\
ModSim World Conference 2018
Critical Thinking Training: Proven New Technologies for Engaging DoD Personnel., .
ModSim World Conference 2018
Domain-Specific Reduction of Language Model Databases: Overcoming Chatbot Implementation Obstacles
Simulation Innovation WorkShop Fall
Enhancing Menteeship: Improving Career Selection for Potential DoD Personnel
Awarded Best Paper presentation in the System Lifecycle and Technologies Track
Simulation Innovation WorkShop Fall
Innovative Education Technologies: Optimizing Future Information Comprehension Capabilities
Simulation Innovation WorkShop Fall
New Technologies to Enhance Computer Generated Interactive Virtual Humans
ModSim World Conference 2018
Systems Engineering: Optimizing Creation of Virtual Conversational Human
Intelligent Mentoring Systems 2018
Virtual Mentors in a Real STEM Fair: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities
ModSim World Conference 2019
Enhancements for Homeschooling and ADL: Virtual Humans, Technologies and Insights.
ModSim World Conference 2019
Pedagogical Tools to Enhance Analytic Skills: Interactive Virtual Tutorial Environments.
ModSim World Conference 2019
Quantum Computing: Evaluating Potential Quantification of Projective Psychological Test Scoring.
Simulation Innovation Workshop 2020, Pending
Establishing Metrics and Creating Standards: Quantifying Efficacy of Battlefield Simulations
Simulation Innovation Workshop 2020, Pending
Proactive Natural Language Processing: Addressing Terminology Disparity and Team Coalescence
Internal White Papers
- An Interactive Virtual Museum
- The "BORG"
- E to the Eighth
- Grand Challenges in Education
- Federal Role in K-12 from a Research Manger's Viewpoint
- Technical Education and Losing the Lead
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Copyright Dan M. Davis 2019